Hello Everyone,
Thank you for following our journey to Hattie! We can't believe this will be our last post from China and our last night to sleep on plywood beds! We are so looking forward to seeing the boys and being in our own home. But we are sad to say goodbye to such a special time in China and to the country where Hattie was born.
Today was a quiet day around here. We went down for breakfast a bit later and lingered watching the boats, eating banana bread(Hattie) and visiting with the last few families. We did some final shopping. Kory took a taxi to a place we had been earlier this week to buy some more art, while I took Hattie to the pool.
We packed and weighed our suitcases, so far so good.
Kory went for a massage. He came back and said it was intense. He said a guy (that made me laugh!) did it and Kory swears he used his elbows. He also said, he could tell the guy was rubbing his hands and then his arms to make the blood move up his arm until Kory's arm was numb. Whew, glad I decided against getting one today. They offer them here at the hotel but we were told to go to Shamian Island Medical Center. We were also told to have the hotel make the appointment specifying that we wanted a massage but did not want to see the doctor.
Apparently, the doctor pays you visit otherwise.
Shiyan called around 430 to let us know our Visa/Passport and all Consulate Paperwork was done. I headed down to her room to pick that up, what a wild feeling to have ALL we needed to have Hattie's adoption final and all the proper documents to get her home to the USA.
We played in the Swan room one last time, gave Hattie her bath and bottle, did more packing and now we will leave our suitcases outside our door tonight at 9 to be picked up. Tomorrow, we will leave here with the last of our group at 6 am Saturday Morning. We arrive home at 9pm Saturday night-don't forget the 12 hours time difference! It will be a long day of travel. We actually followed advice of those here and bought a stroller for the airport use and such. It was 220.00 yuan (about 30 us dollars and is pretty nice, Meredith....quit laughing!) We have tried to dwindle our yuan so we don't have extra. Hopefuly, we will have enough for some snacks and Starbucks at the airport. We didn't want to bother to exchange more money a this point.
Thanks again for all the prayers, the offers of help and for the emails. They have really helped make our time here enjoyable and smooth.
See you soon in TC!!!!!!!!! Time to get back to reality, oh, boy!
Hayden and Culley we can't wait to see you! Hattie is going to be excited too. We love you.
Can't wait to hear that you are back safely on US soil. The flight back is a doozy, but the reward at the end of your travels is to see your whole family together for the first time!!!
Laura & Bailey