Another HOT day here in China. These past few days have been the hottest yet. We literally sweat buckets.
We are starting to feel a bit restless for home. We have enjoyed our time but it is starting to feel like we have been here forever. Don't laugh, but I can't wait to got to Target when I get home! (Heather, is it a date??)
Mostly though, we miss the kids and are ready to start a real routine at home. We know we will miss China and we will miss being catered to every minute, but home sounds good to us.
Last night, we enjoyed the cruise along the Pearl River. The night lights were beautiful. And when there was a breeze it was awesome!
This morning we had breakfast. (surprise!-dragon fruit, watermelon, french toast.....etc!) which by the way we get down there every morning around 7 so we are seated by the windows overlooking the Pearl River. Hattie enjoys watching the boats go by and she sure has an addiction to banana bread. Today, when I tried to leave the table she would do her famous bird call. It is hysterical.
I left Hattie and Kory to finish breakfast and headed for a quick shower. I now just let my hair air dry and by the end of the day it is curly and weird, but it sure beats fighting with the blowdryer.
We decided to take a Taxi from the hotel to a zoo. The zoo was about 40 minutes away. We got there at 9:30 and had the zoo almost to ourselves. It was a fun outing. Hattie and I put on a glove to hold a parrot, we watched black swans and pelicans, we fed a giraffe- I thought he was going to lift us both right up and into his pen. We saw Panda's, which was my favorite part along with feeding a tiger his bottle. Kory enjoyed the Safari Ride through the zoo and as usual is the photographer as Hattie still is all about me. She will hang out with him, but feels most comfortable with me.
The heat/humidity was high and we were getting tired by 1pm. What a feat to get a taxi back to the hotel. No one speaks much English and we sure don't speak Chinese. One man tried to get us in his car and I was not for that a bit. I think Kory would have done it, but I refused. As we walked out of the zoo towards the street another guy approached us and said he was a taxi. I know I am cautious, but I said "what is your taxi number?" He just looked at us and said 100, Kory said no we came here by taxi for 50 and we walked off. By now, Hattie was as good as gold still but I was feeling like we needed to get her cooled down, fed and down for a nap. I had visions of being unable to even get a taxi. Anyway, we walked for a bit on the main road and thankfully were able to grab a taxi. I was never so relieved! This heat combined with a long morning out and being way away from our hotel was all just too much. My adventurous spirit was done for the day!
Enjoy the pictures. Hayden, have a great first day at school. We will talk with you tonight. Culley, be a good boy! We can't wait to see you guys and give you loads of hugs and kisses.
A note from Hattie;
Dear New Family and Friends,
I am looking forward to coming home to Michigan. My brothers look pretty fun and I like to play so I am excited. Please understand though, that I may feel a bit overwhelmed. I will also have jet leg and will be dealing with lots of new changes. I am a fun loving little girl but I may not want to be passed around right away or held by anyone but my mommy and daddy. Please don't think I don't like you.
I will just need some time to adjust.
Before too long, I will be wanting to hang out with Grandma Morgan and Grandma June. I think I will like to go out for lunch with Debra and go to Miss Heathers house, too....but please be patient with me.
Lots of love and bird noises,
Baby Hattie Bo Siqiong!

It is great to see her smile!